Monday, November 27, 2017

Chapter 35 A Piece Of News continued

How It Tasted

Fish a la Bettina

Hard to know whether to judge this on eye or tongue appeal…

As far as taste this dish was moderately successful. My husband thought it was a little bland and proceeded to doll it up with a fiery melange of spices, garlic, and Worcester sauce (more on this later)—my son and I thought it was fine as is.

But as for how it looked—yowzah! I tried my best to push all disagreeable images away, but there it was: Fish a la Bettina bears a striking resemblance to baby spitup, or the mess the dog left on the carpet the other day.

Rice Cakes

I was pleasantly surprised that all these cakes save one made it to the table intact—less pleased that my dining companions immediately broke them apart with their forks.

As for the taste, this dish simply was what it was: rice—the bread crumbs and fat really added nothing at all. I suppose this recipe might come in handy when one is trying to dress up leftovers, but since my son adores rice au natural all that shaping and frying is really wasted effort.

Stuffed Tomato Salad

Fully assembled this dish gave us all the weird sensation we were being watched.

Wonder why?

Rolls and Butter

Frankly these rolls (really bolillos) weren’t terribly exciting—too soft and bland was the general impression. Still, I really can’t say they were money wasted—hard to complain when this basic breadstuff cost less than a dollar.

Grape Juice

Milomir: Do we have any more?

I was pleased by this simple but colorful juice—my husband even more so when the fiery extras he dumped over his rice kicked in. The only problem was the cleanup afterward—somehow the pitcher leaked and left spots of juice on the tablecloth.

Blueberry Tarts

Filip: It looks like marbles.

Oddly enough the blueberries in these tarts were anything but soft—this, despite being stewed in a pot and then baked for a good twenty minutes.

Still, despite the berries’ marble-like qualities the tarts were really very good, and the crust pale but tender. I was astounded that, despite all my fumbling and patching, it really did almost meet the traditional “melt in your mouth” standard. I think we were all surprised by this—at first glance these tarts looked anything but appetizing.


For once my husband and I didn’t fully appreciate our after dinner coffee—we were simply too full from the rice, the fish, and of course all that grape juice.

As expected the second beverage was superfluous—we generally welcome that jolt of caffeine after a stolid Bettina meal, but not this time.

Would I Make This Again?

Always the million dollar question, it seems…

For the most part I’d say yes—the rice cakes, juice, rolls, and tarts were pleasant and my crew seemed to enjoy them.

But the eyeball salad and the lumpy fish were truly abominations—visually, if not taste-wise. Might be wise to blindfold one’s guests before they tuck into these monstrosities—better still to tear the recipes out of the book, burn them, and scatter the ashes in the wind.


  1. The blueberry tarts looked really good. Would you adjust the recipe if you made them again?

  2. Hi, thanks for stopping by!
    As for your question, yes I'll definitely make some changes the next time I bake the tarts. Although very good they definitely could have been better--using out-of-season berries was probably a mistake, and my pastry making technique needs a lot of work.
    Anyway, thanks for your comment!

  3. I love your blog! I’ve always thought about making some of the recipes in the book and wondered how well they would translate to modern life. I’ve also wondered about the portion sizes in the recipes. Do they translate well for modern appetites or do you find yourself increasing them to satisfy your family?


  4. Good question! Modern appetites being what they are, a typical Bettina meal for two is rarely enough--most often I double her recipes and then (just barely) have enough to feed the three of us. Occasionally though, when some dish or other seems to quirky for words, I make the recipe as specified--believe me, no one is going to complain if the jellied salmon or beef tongue runs short! Haha thanks for stopping by!

  5. I JUST discovered this book last week, and then I came across your blog - I love that you're doing this! I'll definitely be following along. I actually made the One Egg Cake with Chocolate Frosting from page 58 tonight, and it turned out really well - plain, but good (my husband did in fact seem pleased with it :) ). I'll admit I used an electric mixer for the cake batter, and threw in a bit of salt to both the batter and the frosting, as well as a tablespoon of butter to the frosting. I also used an 8" cake pan rather than attempting the loaf pan.

  6. Hi Amy! I'm so glad you're enjoying the blog...AND Bettina's recipes.
    I too find that, with a little tweaking, many are actually pretty decent...economical too, what with her thrifty use of leftovers. But thank goodness for modern kitchen appliances...I got my mixer back out after trying just one time to whip eggs whites by hand. The spirit was strong, but the flesh (in this case my right arm) was weak! :)

    Anyway, thanks for stopping by!
