Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Chapter 34 Bettina Gives A Porch Breakfast continued

How It Tasted

Molded Cereal Over Bananas

Filip: What is it?

I can’t say this congealed blob of cereal went over well with the family…it definitely raised some eyebrows. It certainly looked odd, and even heaped with whipped cream wasn’t exactly a taste sensation. Adding some sugar might have made a difference--perhaps turned a lump of tasteless, sticky farina into a dessert of sorts.

Whipped Cream

Even unsweetened, this “dish” was one of the most popular items on the menu. We all spooned it liberally over our cereal (not that it helped in any way), and my husband and I also added it to our coffee.

What surprised me most was the cream’s staying power. I refrigerated what we didn’t eat, and even ten hours later the stuff hadn’t melted down into a puddle—quite remarkable as it had no sugar, unflavored gelatin, or other stabilizers added to it.

Codfish Balls

Happily the intensive soaking I did removed the cod’s regrettably rank odor. Unfortunately it also removed the taste—these patties, while pretty to look at, really didn’t have much flavor.

The texture too was a little peculiar—smooth, almost creamy, and not something one would expect to find in a dish made with fish. We all added a lot of lemon juice and spices to them, and that definitely made them more enjoyable.

Egg Soufflé

Yes another flaccid dish with zero taste (and the pea sauce didn't help a bit). To their credit these mini soufflés did manage to hold their shape coming out of the oven, and I suppose they meet Bettina’s definition of “dainty”. But they had almost egg flavor and had the consistency of marshmallow fluff—in fact, I could have topped ice cream sundaes with them and no one would have blinked.

Twin Mountain Muffins

Finally a dish that offered some tooth resistance (maybe a little too much—I suspect I left the muffins in the oven a tad too long). Still, they went over well, and we all ate them with jelly. The texture was fine (no tunnels)—much to my surprise that business with the eggs didn’t affect it at all.


Is there really much that can be said about commercial jelly? As noted above we used this on our muffins—the jelly’s bright color made them far more appealing, almost like a dessert in fact.

Spice Cookies

Milomir: Sure you didn’t overbake these?

Once again another cookie failure. These weren’t quite as awful the doggy-style biscuits from Chapter 27 (Bettina Has A Baking Day), but it was close.

To be fair, the cookies did have a spicy snap to them, and the smell brought up pleasant images of Christmas. But their texture was really strange: hard to the touch, but both oily and flaky on the inside (if such a thing is possible).


The grand climax of the meal and probably the only item that wasn’t something of a disappointment. Of course I used my beloved percolator to make this and, like always, it was excellent.

Would I Make This Again?

Hmm... DH and Son would answer that question with a resounding “No!”, but I’m not sure myself how good (or bad) the meal really was.

I think on one hand none of the dishes lived up to the Bettina-inspired hype...on the other hand, we all were able to eat enough to satisfy our appetites...but then (hey! that’s three hands!) this meal was too labor intensive for such *ho hum* results.

I think the real problem was the meal’s utter blandness. The cereal was smooth and tasteless, the whipped cream creamy (obviously) and lacking in flavor, the fish balls ditto, and so on and so on.

In truth this is a meal suitable for invalids, or anyone who has to suck their food in through a straw. I have no reason to believe that Bob’s Aunt Elizabeth was anything but “beautiful and distinguished-looking” but, judging by the meal set before her, she obviously had medical issues—either a stomach cratered with ulcers or some ill-fitting dentures.

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