Friday, September 29, 2017

Chapter 25 (Bettina Entertains Alice and Mr. Harrison continued)

How It Tasted

Pork Chops

These chops looked beautiful on the plate: nicely browned and simply bursting with porky goodness.
Unfortunately I didn’t much care for them. No question they were cooked thoroughly, but I prefer pork that’s shredded, falling-off-the-bones tender, and (when possible) doused with barbeque sauce.
Still, my husband and son seemed to like these, and I must admit they had a nice flavor. In fact, DH was annoyed that, after the meal, the chops went straight into the meat grinder for the next day’s croquettes—he’d planned to have one later as an evening snack!

Potatoes MaĆ®tre d’Hotel Butter

These turned out to be excellent—the butter sauce really did a lot for them. My dining companions enjoyed them too, and by the end of the meal there were none left in the bowl.

Bread and Butter

This met with a collective *eh* from the family, and the fact that the bread was less than fresh didn’t help matters any.
Broccoli, Miami Style

Filip: I can hardly taste the broccoli!

I too noticed this odd phenomena: a broccoli casserole that tasted nothing at all like broccoli. The sauce, cheese, and cracker crumbs so predominated that the broccoli almost seemed like an afterthought, a garnish--like that sprinkle of parsley on the potatoes.
In fact, this recipe made eating broccoli such a pleasure it almost seemed like cheating, like dumping raw egg into a milkshake or dosing a glass of OJ with castor oil.

Cabbage Salad Served In Lemon Halves

Milomir: You put cabbage in these lemon skins?

Both Husband and Son seemed a little taken aback by the sight of this dish. Cabbage salad is common enough on our table, but I’ve never once served it in lemon halves (and, judging by the reaction, probably never will again).
Taste-wise the salad was fine, and I enjoyed the hint of lemon added by the fruit cups. DH and Son though were definitely not impressed. They both toyed with their salads and, despite a fair amount of coaxing, I couldn’t get them to finish.

Coconut Blanc Mange

I was surprised by the taste of this dish—it was remarkably un-sweet even though the recipe called for sugar and grated coconut besides. I suppose I was expecting something super-rich like coconut cream pie filling, and this certainly wasn’t it. If I didn’t know better I’d swear this dessert was healthy—as healthy as anything coming out of Bettina’s kitchen gets, anyway.

Custard Sauce
Well, Bettina’s version is definitely NOT Ma’s Home Cooking. My husband dutifully spooned some over his blanc mange, but I could tell by the slow action of his spoon that he really didn’t care for it.
Filip, on the other hand, lapped his up and I even emptied the dregs from the serving dish onto his plate. I myself thought it was good (maybe not quite that good) but not the best topping for coconut pudding. Fruit (raw or cooked) would have made a much better base.

Iced Tea

No one seemed to be in the mood for iced tea—no doubt because our coastal city was blanketed with fog. Milomir wanted coffee, Filip milk, and that beautiful pitcher of tea ended up going down the drain!

Would I Make This Again?
I definitely got mixed signals from the family regarding this meal. Everyone but me liked the pork, DH and Son were disconcerted by the look of the salad, and no one really enjoyed the dessert (although Filip definitely gave a thumbs’ up on the custard sauce).
So yes, I probably would prepare this meal again but with a few modifications. I’d choose thinner chops, ditch the lemon cups cradling the salad, and serve the custard sauce over slices of fruit or cake (or perhaps fruit and cake).

But the iced tea—nyet! Everyone is tired of Bettina’s favorite summertime refresher, and on this foggy California coast no iced drink is really met with handclapping. It bothered to see almost a whole pitcher of tea go to waste, but I really couldn’t blame anyone…after just a cup I got so chilled I had to put on a sweater.

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